Filing Your Annual Tax Return Online

50% of Finland’s residents do not fill out tax declarations at all. The pre-completed declaration must be reviewed to ensure all the information is accurate. If there are additional income or work-related expenses, the declaration needs to be updated. Reporting income is mandatory, while reporting expenses is optional.

To complete the application for the annual tax declaration, you will need to prepare:

  • Work addresses and work dates, as well as the number of days worked at each site if they differ. If there were many sites, it’s better to provide this information in a separate file or spreadsheet.
  • Home addresses, if they differ from the current one.
  • Other work-related expenses (preferably write down the expenses and amounts).
  • For individuals whose families do not live with them in Finland: amounts spent on rent, travel expenses for trips home, and the addresses of your work home and family residence.
  • Receipts for expenses (housing, transport, work clothing, tools, etc.) do not need to be sent but should preferably be kept for 4 years.

Please fill out the application as thoroughly as possible. Don’t worry if some information is missing; we will contact you to clarify.
To issue a power of attorney when filling out in Omavero, please refer to the instructions:
Instructions for issuing a power of attorney using bank codes on can be found here.

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